How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Today, I’m excited to share a detailed guide on How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI, so you can take your anime-watching experience to the next level. By granting storage access, you’ll be able to effortlessly manage your anime collection and enjoy seamless playback within the BGMI app.

Understand the Importance of Storage Access Permission

Before we delve into the process, let’s briefly discuss why granting storage access permission is crucial for BGMI. By doing so, you allow the app to read and write data to your device’s storage, enabling it to scan, download, and manage your anime collection effortlessly.

Without storage access, BGMI won’t be able to retrieve information about your anime library or store new episodes you’ve downloaded. It’s like having a locked bookshelf where BGMI cannot add or remove any content. Granting this permission is essential to ensure a smooth and seamless experience within the app.

How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI on Android Devices

Enabling storage access permission for BGmi on Android is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your device’s “Settings” and scroll down to locate “Apps” or “Application Manager.”

Step 2: Tap on “Apps” or “Application Manager” to view the list of installed applications on your device.

Step 3: Scroll through the list and find “BGMI.” Tap on it to open the app settings.

Step 4: Within the BGMI app settings, locate and tap on “Permissions.”

Step 5: Look for “Storage” in the list of permissions and toggle the switch to enable storage access for BGMI.

Congratulations! You have successfully granted storage access permission to BGMI on your Android device. Now you can fully utilize all the features and functionalities of the app without any Storage Error.

How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI

How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI on iOS Devices

If you’re using an iOS device, granting storage access permission for BGMI follows a slightly different process. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Open your device’s “Settings” and scroll down to find “Privacy.”

Step 2: Tap on “Privacy” to access various privacy-related settings.

Step 3: Within the “Privacy” menu, locate and tap on “Files” or “File Access.”

Step 4: Look for “BGMI” in the list of apps that have file access permission.

Step 5: Toggle the switch next to “BGMI” to enable storage access for the app.

Fantastic! You’ve successfully granted storage access permission to BGMI on your iOS device. Now you can enjoy managing and Playing with your Friends.

Why is storage access permission important for BGMI?


Granting storage access permission allows BGMI to read and write data to your device’s storage. This is crucial for the app to scan your anime library, store downloaded episodes, and manage your collection effectively. Without storage access, BGMI won’t be able to function properly and provide you with a seamless anime-watching experience.

How can I check if BGMI has storage access permission on my device?

To check if BGMI has storage access permission on your device, follow these steps:

For Android: Go to “Settings” > “Apps” or “Application Manager” > “BGmi” > “Permissions.” Look for “Storage” in the list of permissions, and ensure it is enabled.

For iOS: Go to “Settings” > “Privacy” > “Files” or “File Access.” Check if “BGmi” is listed and the toggle switch is enabled.

Can I revoke storage access permission for BGMI if needed?

Yes, you can revoke storage access permission for BGMI at any time. To do this, follow the same steps mentioned earlier to access app permissions on your device. Locate “Storage” within BGMI permissions and toggle the switch to disable access.

Will granting storage access permission for BGMI affect the security of my device?

Granting storage access permission to BGMI does not inherently compromise the security of your device. However, it’s essential to download apps from trusted sources and be mindful of the permissions you grant to ensure the overall security of your device.

I’ve granted storage access permission, but BGMI still doesn’t work properly. What should I do?

f you’ve granted storage access permission, but BGMI is still experiencing issues, try the following troubleshooting steps:
Ensure that you have the latest version of BGmi installed on your device.
Restart your device and relaunch BGMI to see if the issue persists.
If the problem continues, you can reach out to the BGMI support team or seek assistance from the BGMI community forums for further guidance.


Today in This Article we have Learned about How to Enable Storage Access Permission for BGMI, By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you’ve empowered yourself to make the most of this great app. Now, with storage access, you can easily Play the Game With your Friends.

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