What Are Domains and Hosting ? Domains and Hosting Full Guide

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What Are Domains and Hosting? A domain name is a unique name that you choose to represent your website or blog to the world. It must be at least 2 characters in length and include any top-level domains (.com, .org, .net, etc.) that you’d like to use.


The benefit of using a top-level domain extension, rather than some other alternative (such as cool example. blog), is that search engines view these extensions as more important and are therefore more likely to display your website in the search results when someone searches for something relevant to your site’s topic.


What are Domains and Hosting? Domains and Hosting Full Guide

What are domains?

Every website has a unique web address called its URL, or Uniform Resource Locator. Without getting too technical, it’s essentially a site’s street address. Domains are simply where you register a particular URL.


They work like land in that they belong to someone until you acquire them, but unlike land, they can be acquired quickly and easily—usually within minutes of creating your account. When you have acquired a domain name, you own that street address forever (until someone else buys it from you).


If one of your websites ends up generating any sort of revenue over time, owning your domain is an asset to your business—much like a home would be if it generated rental income every month.


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What are hosting plans?


There are various types of hosting plans that you can choose from. The main thing to keep in mind is what features you want in your web hosting service. If your website will be under construction for a long time, or if it’s extremely large, shared hosting might not be for you.


You might want to look into getting reseller web hosting or VPS (Virtual Private Server) instead. Dedicated hosting is good if you need a lot of bandwidth; otherwise, just stick with shared. ​Check out our guide to choosing a website host if you’re still deciding what type of plan is best for your site.


Choosing between domain and hosting provider

If you’re just starting out as a web developer, domain names and hosting may seem like a foreign language. Unfortunately, though, these are two things that are pretty much essential for just about every site you build, so it’s vital to understand what they mean—and how they work together. First off, a domain name is your website’s address; .com, .net or .org are all examples of domains.


Types of hosting services – shared vs. VPS vs. dedicated servers

Which one’s right for you? : Shared hosting is an affordable option that can be suitable for many small businesses. A single server hosts multiple websites, which means it’s impossible to guarantee uptime. However, some companies, such as 1&1, have built a solid reputation by providing consistent uptime on reliable shared servers. With dedicated hosting, customers can opt for a server that exclusively hosts their website.


This ensures maximum uptime but comes at a higher price than shared hosting services (which are far more common). In essence, shared hosting is what you need when starting out and dedicated servers come into play once your company has grown to a certain point—or requires high availability or guarantees of performance.


Shared hosting

When you sign up for a shared hosting account, you’re signing up to use an internet server that is already being used by hundreds of other websites. This can be both a good thing or a bad thing—when you share a server with so many other websites, chances are it will be very fast and rarely have any problems.


However, it’s easy to become overloaded on a shared host if your website becomes really popular because they usually don’t offer very much in terms of resources (storage space, bandwidth). If your website gets lots of traffic, consider upgrading to VPS or dedicated hosting.


Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting

If you’re new to web hosting, a VPS could be a good fit. With VPS hosting, you get all of the benefits of shared hosting, but with more control over server resources. You can typically install a custom operating system, multiple programs, run powerful scripts (if they’re supported by your host), and even change your IP address if desired.


In most cases, you will have root access to your virtual server—meaning that you’ll have unrestricted access to your operating system as well as any file on it. However, since there’s more administrative overhead involved in running VPS servers than shared servers or dedicated servers, you may find it is not worth it for small sites.


Dedicated server hosting

Dedicated hosting requires more investment upfront, but if you have several sites or a large project that’s resource-intensive, it can be worth it. Unlike shared web hosting, which uses a single server for many customers’ websites, dedicated servers run on their own hardware.


If one site goes down due to an overload of traffic or other technical issues, other sites hosted on that server will not be affected. This level of service also comes with an extensive list of benefits including speedier access to your website and additional storage space for large files such as video content and photos. Dedicated servers are ideal for businesses that generate lots of traffic because they allow them to handle heavy usage without slowing down other websites on their server—or any other shared hosting plan available.

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